The Republicans in the American congress appeared confused over the Obama administration Medicare program. This is evident from the conflicting statements of senior members of the party in congress.
The rift was apparent from the confusion that was created by the Republican Majority Leader of the House Eric Cantor who contradicted himself before the important meeting in White House with President Obama over the Medicare differences between the two parties.
It appears that the Republican House committee chairman on Budget Paul Ryan is more articulate and better informed on the issue. The contradictions of the top Republican lawmakers may not go well for the party as they paid a price for it in the recent recess.
The confusion over the issue was further heightened by the budget committee chairman who said that it is unlikely that the Medicare program of Obama regime would commence by this summer. They described the plan as being over ambiguous. It would be recalled that the budget was adopted just last month but the ongoing debate and disagreement over the Medicare is one of the gray areas that is yet to be settled in the budget.
Other republican members had voted in support of what Ryan stood for during the last month congressional voting for the budget. Not many of them especially the rank and file will like the ineffectiveness of their leadership over the issue.