Following the ouster of former Libyan President Col Gaddafi, document obtained from his office has shocked people all over the globe. According to the documented evidence found from Libyan dictator’s office, American secret agency CIA, helped him in providing information on dissidents.
The CIA worked in cooperation with the intelligence service previous Libyan regime for rendition of terrorist suspects.
Muammar Gaddafi’s intelligence services took help from the CIA in rendition of rebel suspects. Abdel-Hakim Belhaj, the rebel commander in Tripoli, was also among those terror suspects, revealed the documents.
The written evidence about CIA’s involvement were found in Musa Kusa’s office, who was the ex-chief of Libyan Intelligence. The information suggest that MI6 also informed Gaddafi about Libyan dissidents who were living in Britain.
The files have been disclosed by Human Rights Watch, which gave information on how intimately Gaddafi’s intelligence services were associated with MI6 and the CIA.
Two documents from March 2004 showed interaction between Gaddafi’s loyals with the US officials regarding rendition of Belhaj, who was a prominent leader of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group. This group is now dissolved with al-Qaida.