As the protest the continued over the rule of president Assad is continuing the Syrian government has intensified its attacks against the protesters. This was evident on Sunday when the Syrian government sends their gun ships to shell the town of Latakia. Despite the increase in crackdown by the government the rebellion is only increasing.
The prosecution of the conflict so far and the international response to it had shown that the regional powers must intervene in the crisis if it is not to have a ripple effect. Turkey one of the neighbours of Syria is believed to hold the key for the intervention of the regional bodies or the neighbours of Syria in the crisis.
The people of Syria have demonstrated to the extent that the international community has to intervene. If the politics is completely local there would not be easy resolution of the crisis and if it escalates it will affect the neighbours.
Similar situation is playing out in Afghanistan where each of the neighbours is involved in one plan or the other to have control over the situation in the country. The neighbours know that the crisis would take a new dimension once international forces leave the scene. This situation applies to Turkey because it is in a better position to exploit the situation.