Top terrorists, Al Queda leaders killed in Drone attack

Anwar al-Awlaki killed in Drone attack

Anwar al-Awlaki who is listed in the US anti-terrorist list was killed on Friday in this attack. Awlaki was a prominent leader of Yemen’s branch of Al Qaeda. He was a born American and high tech Islamic teacher who could speak sparkling English and convince even Western youth with his charismatic communication.

Awlaki was a suspect in the 2009 Fort Hood, Texas, shooting spree  also in the botched bombing of a Detroit-bound jet at the eve of Christmas.

Awlaki’s death was confirmed by other news sources too who raised question over legal and moviabilit behind killing a terrorist or any American. This can be titled as another major blow on terrorist outfit Al-Qaeda after killing of Osama bin Laden recently.

The United States openly called on the besieged Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh to step down following the 8-months’ protest by the advocates of democracy. Ironically, the antiterrorism operations are led by close relatives of Saleh and they are assisting the United States in this regard.

Canadian diplomats doubt US peeping into sensitive information

Canada’s political parties fear U.S. intelligence agencies may breach their privacy and get secret information from a cloud-based Web site

Under the laws in the United States, the government can ask any Web site to reveal all information to them without informing the concerned person or party, revealed James Williamson, information technology coordinator, who represents the Canadian New Democratic Party (NDP) in Ottawa, Ontario.

The NDP is at present the key opposition party in Canada whereas Conservatives are in the government. The NDP has 123 million records of many individuals holding key information under their possession. Diplomats showed their concern when the NDP was asked to seek for stronger encryption approach instead of cloud-based as its platform for its e-mails and other contacts.

The party also stores its voter tracking information database, donor’s information and other things which need to be maintained in private. The Canadian diplomats want that the NDP should use some other platform, which it can handle alone and without any breach of information by any other party.

In case, the US government forces Salesforce and its authorities to reveal any information at least the NDP should be informed about that.

Varun Badhwar, an official from CipherCloud’s business development firm  stated that the unit provides  cloud-based encryption services  to, Amazon and

Cloud-based encrypton keys are used to keep data private.

US puzzled over all-party conference in Pak

An all-party conference in Pakistan has puzzled the United States. Pakistani Prime Minister as well as former prime minister Nawaz Sharif too participated in the same conference for the first time. Not only political [parties but also religious groups and societies as well as army chief General Kayani enthusiastically attended the meeting

Prime Minister Gilani stated that no country could put any pressure on Pakistan to do anything. He further added that national interests should be safeguarded. Gilani reiterated the oath to defend Pakistan’s geographical boundaries freedom, and national sovereignty.

Gilani also showed his confidence in the Pak army and its solidarity.

Many diplomats showed their concerns over US strategy toward Pakistan. Imran Khan, former cricketer and leader said that the United States is determined to declare Pakistani intelligence agency ISI as a terrorist outfit. He said this would create more problems for Pakistan.

The statements by US Navy Admiral about Haqqani network being an assisting hand to  ISI has put Pakistani leaders in tension.

Pakistani leaders also fear that the United States might opt for military actions against Pakistan, which has been its long-term ally.

France not to support Palestinians in bidding for UN membership

Mahmoud Abbas, Palestinian is going to feel the heat of pressure from France and the United States for giving up his bid for UN membership. The two countries are trying to discourage Palestine from seeking for global recognition.

Nicolas Sarkozy, French president is going to express his disapproval of Palestinian desire in the whereas US president Obama will also argue against Palestine, both in the UN general assembly.

U.S. officials revealed that officially both countries had no authority of stopping Abbas from demanding for UN membership but Obama and Sarkozy would try to persuade the Palestinian leader to drop his demand for statehood for Palestine.

Abbas would make a formal request for Palestine’sstatus as an independent country in the UN General Assembly. However it will take a long time for the United Nations to actually proceed with Palestine’s request for statehood and decide on it.

Even if the United States fails to make Abbas not to proceed with demand for UN approval for Palestine’s statehood, Obama will certainly use veto power finally to stop the move.

If the United Nations takes months to proceed with Paqlestinian demand for statehood, it will open a chance for reopening of peace talsk between Israel and Palestine.

US President talks with IMF chief Lagarde over economic development

President Obama talks first time with the new IMF chief over global issues. The White House agrees with Christine Lagarde (lah-GAHRD’) considering the global need for formulating policies for creating jobs and inducing economic growth.

The two diplomats agreed on recognition of emerging economies like China for their contribution to the growing pace of global economic growth.

Dominique Strauss-Kahn had joined IMF as its managing director in 2007, supported by Sarcozy, France’s president. He continued working with the organization until May, 2011. Kahn is also a professor of economics at the Paris Institute for political studies. He resigned from the post when charged of sexual assault were made against him.

Lagarde has achieved the post as the first woman to head the International Monetary Fund. She also hails from France.

She was a lawyer by profession and also worked as Minister of economic affairs, finance and industry, agriculture minister and trade minister for France.

Republicans attach each other in House to win voters’ confidence

Governor Rick Perry  is preparing to be launched for presidential campaigns with elaborate training by his party members. He is quite cautious in commenting on any issue and tries his best to defend his image and performance as Texas governor.

To get support from all Republicans, Tea Party members as well as evangelicals Perry is all geared up.

Perry is being given a tough competition byFormer Gov. Mitt Romney of Massachusetts who is also fighting for Republican nomination. Romney’s strategy against Perry is to confront him on immigration,   promises of creating employment in the state and long tenure as governor of Texas.

Representative Michele Bachmann of Minnesota is showing that the conflict between two Republicans would be quite tough. Her skepticism target Perry over his overspending in Texas to pull Tea Party supporters from his side. The Republicans are also trying to criticize President Obama at the same time, however, fight for nomination has taken more of the limelight and their campaign against Democrats seems to be less fierce.

The debates in the coming few weeks will put the three candidates Mr. Perry, Mr. Romney and Mrs. Bachmann at the same platform. The debates will focus on  fund-raising, strategy of campaign and perceptions of voters in the coming presidential elections in 2012.

Sources reveal American secret agency CIA worked with Libyan government

Following the ouster of former Libyan President Col Gaddafi, document obtained from his office has shocked people all over the globe. According to the documented evidence found from Libyan dictator’s office, American secret agency CIA, helped him in providing information on dissidents.

The CIA worked in cooperation with the intelligence service previous Libyan regime for rendition of terrorist suspects.

Muammar Gaddafi’s intelligence services took help from the CIA in rendition of rebel suspects. Abdel-Hakim Belhaj, the rebel commander in Tripoli, was also among those terror suspects, revealed the documents.

The written evidence about CIA’s involvement were found in Musa Kusa’s office, who was the ex-chief of Libyan Intelligence. The information suggest that  MI6 also informed Gaddafi about Libyan dissidents who were living in Britain.

The files have been disclosed by Human Rights Watch, which gave information on how intimately Gaddafi’s intelligence services were associated with MI6 and the CIA.

Two documents from March 2004 showed interaction between Gaddafi’s loyals with the US officials regarding  rendition of Belhaj, who was a prominent leader of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group. This group is now dissolved with al-Qaida.

Reps Cautioned Obama on Job Situation

Congress woman on the platform of Democrat party has criticized President Obama on job situation in the country. The law maker advised the president to go down to the state and local levels to see the pains and sufferings the people are going through as a result of job situation in the country.

The congress woman was speaking when she observed thousands of job seekers line up in the heat at job fair that was organized at a technical college in Atlanta. It was the congressional black caucus that planned the job fair.

Speaking on the unemployment situation in the country Democrat Rep Maxine Walters of California said he was stunned by number of people that attended the job fair. He said that he was expecting about five hundred people to the fair but it turned out that thousand of job seekers graced the occasion.

The congresswoman told reporters that black voters have given her the permission to criticize president Barak Obama administration’s policy on job creation. She said that she is not just criticizing the president but that she tries to engage more people to help the president to have a clear understanding of the pain people are going through as a result of job situation in the country.

US Senate gears up to review bill on Oil pipeline

The US House of Representatives has approved proposed $7 billion pipeline The Democratic government has moved forward to set a deadline for the pipeline that will bring Canadian oil sands crude to the United States .

The bill received 279-147 votes in its favor and this eventually pressurizes the state to allow transport of Canadian oil sands crude to California by 1 November via Keystone XL pipeline.

Ed Whitfield, a Republican stated that the pipeline continued being held up for three years due to many reasons, and now the approved bill has removed all the big obstacles for it.

He also stated that, the opening of this pipeline would also help in reducing oil prices.The proposed pipeline would transport

700,000 barrels of crude oil per day. It will transfer oilfrom Alberta to refineries situated at US Gulf coast. This would also help in securing energy supply in the country as well as promote employment. However, the bill is yet to become a law and it needs to be passed by the Senate, where DEmocrates dominate the scene.

Keystone XL pipeline has raise many environmental concerns too and therefore received strong resistance from those who oppose the bill. The oil sand production in Canada is carbon-intensive, and therefore contributes to greater pollution.

from the incidents of leakage in Exxon Mobil’s Silvertip oil pipeline has also set people to raise concern over the viability ofKeystone XL pipeline.

Obama administration fail to free US from debt

The United States is failing to break through its debt deadlock. The US Federal Reserve is now gearing up to provide new guidelines to American banks to save themselves through resurging recession.In case the country fails to revamp its borrowing capacity, all the banks would face hard time to survive through tough waters.

Fed spokeswoman Barbara Hagenbaugh revealed on Thursday that the Federal Reserve is hopeful to provide proper guidelines for an operational financial planning.

The US Treasury has clarified that it would not be able to fetch more loans if the Congress fails to raise the debt ceiling from $14.3 trillion. This would also bring the possibilities of fall of Obama government eventually.

A debt default will also make the American economy succumb to severe financial crisis. The officer did not, however reveal anything about the measures of contingency plans being thought over by the authorities.

Officials also showed optimism that the US economy may survive this crisis provided Obama administration comes up with a hard solution before August 2 deadline.

Experts, however, predict severe results of debt default over US financial market and economy. The officials have also indicated of the possibilities of need for reevaluation of alternative strategies for US banks to be able to use emergency loans.