Human Rights Abuses Clinton chides Turkey

The United States Secretary of State Mrs. Hilary Rodham Clinton has criticized Turkey over its slide in human rights. She also talked about Turkey taking action to enhance the secular tradition. Mrs. Clinton noted that Turkey support is very important to the success of American goals in the Middle East.

Mrs. Clinton condemned the arrests of journalists by the moderate Muslim country and also chided it for curbing religious freedom in the country. she said that the country had gone far in the observation of human rights and advised that the country should recommit itself to the goal of modernization and democratic values saying that Turkey should serve as an ideal to other Arab nations which are now facing situation of instability as a results of revolts. Mrs. Clinton who was addressing the press in the company of the Turkish Prime Minister advised other countries in Arab and North America to learn from Turkey experience stressing that stability can only come through responsible leadership.

She used the opportunity to urge the Turkish people to use the constitutional reform process to address other remaining issues about human right such as freedom of expression and religion and ensure the protection of minority’s rights.

Firefighters extinguish flames at US nuclear lab

Firefighters saved what could have been nuclear tragedy when they beat back fire that was engulfing Los Alamos National Laboratory which was the preeminent nuclear facility in the country. This has caused panic in Los Alamos which had forced the authority to order for the immediate evacuation of the people who are living in the city. The residents of the city were put to about 12, 000 people.

The firefighters were able to extinguish the flames inside the southwestern boundary of the lab. The buildings were not gutted by fire but the authority said that the threat was enormous. The position of the fire was at 28,000 near the complex that is the location of the laboratory.

The plutonium facility of the laboratory was located at the north eastern site of the complex. The position of the fire was said to be in the direction of the south east. The laboratory occupied a very vast area in the city. The authority maintained that the facilities at the lab was protected against any threat by fire adding that it had survived the year 2000 wildfire which damaged some parts of the building and properties that were estimated to be about $1billion then.

The authorities also maintained that the explosive materials in the laboratory are safely stored at the underground bunkers that are made in concrete and steel.

Firefighters extinguish flames at nuclear lab

Firefighters saved what could have been nuclear tragedy when they beat back fire that was engulfing Los Alamos National Laboratory which was the preeminent nuclear facility in the country. This has caused panic in Los Alamos which had forced the authority to order for the immediate evacuation of the people who are living in the city. The residents of the city were put to about 12, 000 people.The firefighters were able to extinguish the flames inside the southwestern boundary of the lab. The buildings were not gutted by fire but the authority said that the threat was enormous. The position of the fire was at 28,000 near the complex that is the location of the laboratory.

The plutonium facility of the laboratory was located at the north eastern site of the complex. The position of the fire was said to be in the direction of the south east. The laboratory occupied a very vast area in the city. The authority maintained that the facilities at the lab was protected against any threat by fire adding that it had survived the year 2000 wildfire which damaged some parts of the building and properties that were estimated to be about $1billion then.

The authorities also maintained that the explosive materials in the laboratory are safely stored at the underground bunkers that are made in concrete and steel.

French banks to assist Greeks in U.S. credit market

French banks are going to pay for help the Greece which is ridden with crisis to overcome a sovereign default. The payments are to be done in the US credit markets. The French banks were charged interests in higher rates on US short term borrowing arrangement. This was done at a rate other what was granted to their European rivals. This is after the French bank has cemented their links to help the Greek debts.

However in the long run these higher rates may turn out to be lower price in paper work, and it may benefit the French banks after all.

They may be some hardships in terms of the rollover but in the long term the they could gain by avoiding further disruptions. Investors are charging French banks more than they do to banks from dutch germany when when they decide to buy any US short term obligations. This is because the French banks more any other banks are more exposed to the Greek debts.

The move by the French banks mark the progress in the Greece debt problems from turning into a global economic crisis. The worry in the US market is centered on how the French banks are going to suffer from that deal in an event that the Greece parliament passes some measures within the week.

Minot residents riding out flood’s hardships

Flooding waters have continued to ravage the US city of Minot. The airman who was on guard in the city was dumb as he has no explanation and no answers for the surging waters which has completely consumed the city of Dakota.

The airman Theron Griffin was on guard for about 14 hours at Minot. As a sentinel he watched the swelling waters consume everything it comes across. The city has about 12,000 residents who were earlier evacuated from the city. The officials are finding it difficult to curtail the flood which has already created record as the worst ever to be witnessed in the city. Already it is reported that thousands of homes are already submerged and many more are likely to go.

The airman was on hand to tell the story to journalists and authorities. He said that the flood is just intensifying. He said that officials from the local and federal authorities are working hard to remove the dirts and other things that would cause obstruction along the bank of the river.

He said that no less than 3000 homes have gone as result of the flooding. One of the victims was Cassandra Martin who moved to the area few months back. They were forced to leave their homes and like thousands of others are sheltered at Red Cross compound. Because of the intensity of the flood more people are expected to be evacuated away from the neighboring communities.

US Supreme Court confirms ethics laws

The Supreme Court in the United States of America has upheld the Ethic laws. It has reversed the ruling of Nevada High Court ruling on the same matter. The ruling by the Supreme Court means that the members of legislative houses in the country do not have the free right to vote on matters that are having a conflict of interest. In a unanimous decision the court uphold that the first amendment does not cover the legislator that is charged on ethic violation.

The court had ruled in the past that the constitution empowered the legislators with the power to speak freely but excluded the right to vote on matters that have conflict of interest. The court maintained that the right to vote in the legislative houses is a right the legislators are exercise for the people they are representing and not their private right.

This matter arose in the state of Nevada when Michael Carrigan who is a local legislator from Sparks was censored by the Ethics Commission of Nevada for casting a vote in the legislature in favor of hotel and casino project that is said to be owned by his campaign manager. The angle which the commission charged Carrigan is that he violated the state ethic laws adding that the law has required him from voting on the matter because he has a very close relationship with his campaign manager.

US not to support Indian involvement in Afghanistan in future

The plan by Indian government to help in the training of the new Afghan security may not be a welcomed development. This was contained in a security report that was released in Washington. Even though the Indian government discussed with the Americans on that possibility and was preparing for that, she was told categorically that such action will undermine the security of the region.

According to a release by cable network on February 23, 2010, Y K Singh the joint secretary who was handling Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran issues for foreign ministry told the Americans that it would be a sensitive issue for America but New Delhi is offering to help on her own accord. The Americans believe the cost of having the Indian security to train the Afghanistan security will outweigh the benefits.

The Indian diplomat in the meeting told the US official not to be dragged to the Pakistani game of driving India out of Afghanistan. He told the Americans that while the Pakistani government is more interested in seeing the Indians out of Afghanistan that India will not leave Afghanistan because of its strategic interest to India. The hatred of the Pakistani government against the Indian involvement in Afghanistan was evident in an interview which Pervez Musharaf granted to journalists where he accused Indian of sidelining the Pakistani military.

Iran part of the crackdown in Syria- US

United States officials have revealed that the crackdown of the pro democracy movement that is going on Syria is abetted by Iran.

The report said the Iranian authorities are dispatching advisers and trainers including the Quds force to help the Syrian government to crackdown on the pro democracy groups in the country.

The report said that the intervention of Iran in the affairs of the country is preventing the pro democracy forces from forcing changes into the government of Syria. It said that the Iranians are backing the Syrians with manpower as well as riot gear and surveillance equipment which help the Syrian government to track down their opponents through Facebook and twitter accounts. It is believed that it is through the Iranian assisted surveillance computer that the Syrian intelligent was able to arrest the hundreds of oppositions whom they arrested last week.
It has always being the assumption of the US that the Iranian authorities are always behind the activities of the repressive governments that have been oppressing its own people in the Middle East. They cited such instances as the repressive government in Syria and the Hezbollah in Lebanon as well as the extreme jihads group the Hamas in the Gaza strip.

British Air force to use Bunker Busting Bombs against Gaddafi

The Royal Air Force is to use bunker busting bombs against Moamar Gadhafi in Libya. The 2,000 lb bomb is to destroy Gadhafi command centers. The bomb which is about 14ft long has the capability of punching through reinforced concrete. It is expected to be deployed within days by the Royal air force which is part of the NATO military campaign against the government of Col. Moamar Gadhafi in Libya.

The bombs were used during the invasion of Iraq in 2003. The arrival of the bomb will strengthen the ability of NATO to ground the operations of Gadhafi forces. It will target military installations in the country and will reduce civilian casualties.

It will be recalled that the prime minister of Britain David Cameron has said that the British government will send apache helicopters to destroy key installations under the command of Col Gadhafi. Last Friday the RAF and other jets destroyed guard towers located at the Bab Al- Aziziyah complex of Col Gadhafi. It was reported that Gadhafi is hiding in different hospitals in Tripoli to escape being killed by the NATO bombs.

Meanwhile Russia a strong ally of Col Gadhafi has called on him to step down and safe the country further destruction.

Obama Polish Tour; Military Relationship Tops Agenda

President Barack Obama has rounded up his European tour with a visit to strong ally Poland. President Obama who was part of the G8 meeting visited some countries in Europe which include Iceland, Britain and to eastern European countries where he visited Poland. Obama wanted to use the tour to the eastern European countries to ensure them of American co-operation in area of defense.

President Obama’s visit to Eastern Europe was part of his campaign to reassure the international community that the issue of Trans Atlantic alliance remains strategic to the defense of America and the world. He also wanted to ensure military cooperation between the former Russian allies.

The president had a talk with the prime minister of Poland. The president after having a discussion with the polish president Bronislaw Komorowski extended the olive branch to Russia. He cleared the air on the issue of missile defense saying that it is strategic to the defense of the country.

The NATO missile defense the president said would explore the possibility of cooperating with Russia. The president had a discussion with the Russian president Dmitry Medvedev at the G8 meeting. The president said that he will maintain the relationships that exist between the two countries. A relationship he has worked very had to improve since 2009.

Republican Candidate defeated in N.Y. election over Medicare issue

The outcome of the special elections that was conducted in New York has shown that the Americans have more confidence on the Democratic party policy on Medicare than the Republican Party. The republicans paid for it as they lost the seat they have traditionally held for than 40 years in New York.

An independent poll conducted agreed that it was the issue of Medicare more than any other issue that made the voters to choose the democratic candidate Katty Hochul over the Republican Jane Corwin who was a sitting member of the house. The democratic is already seeing the outcome of the election as a clear evidence that the Republican policy on Medicare is backfiring.

The outcome of the election may have affected the senate rejection of the house bill for the Medicare policy by 57 to 40 votes. Even some republicans voted against the party position when the senate conducted their vote over the issue. Boosted by the outcome of the New York election the chairman of the democratic party congressional campaign committee Steve Israel boasted that the party will win up to 97 seats in the House of Representatives in 2012 which is more than the 68 seats that they lost in last elections.