Obama reiterates need to respect 1967 borders in Middle East

President Barack Obama believes that the only way to bring about a lasting peace in Mideast is for Israel to respect the 1967 borders. It is the thinking of the administration that peace would continue to elude both Israel and Palestine unless Israel put hold to the expansions that is going on beyond the 1967 borders. The administration believes that it is only a parallel state that exists beside each other that can bring peace to the much troubled Middle East.

This American position is not going down well with the prime minister of Israel Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu. He was furious about the American position and described it as already determining the destiny of the territory in question even the actual talk begins. He said that any talk about the pre 1967 border is completely out of touch with the realities on ground in the Middle East. He said the state of Israel would never agree to such a proposal.

The prime minister criticized the policy  by president Obama as well as the Republican party presidential aspirant Miti Romney saying that they have thrown the state of Israel under the bus. The reactions from the inside and outside the US and Israel are such furious that people have started wondering whether Obama is trying to undermine the state of Israel.

Employment rate improves in US

Job situation in America has improved last month in majority of the states in America. This was revealed by the Department of Labour which disclosed that in more than three quarters of the states of the country the employment situation has improved last month.

The statement said that there is improvement in employment situation from March adding that about 34 states of the country reported of improvement in job positions. This report was released by Labour department on Friday.

Generally there is an improvement in employment generation throughout the country. Private sector also gave positive report of job increase with about 250,000 added every month. The current rate of employment generation in the country is the highest ever recorded in the last five years.

The level of unemployment started dropping in the country since last November. Some of the states that had recorded drop in the unemployment include the state of New York. The unemployment has dropped while 45,700 jobs were created. The state of New York is the highest in the level of job creation it is followed by Texas which has created 32,900 jobs and the third is Pennsylvanian which has created 23,700 jobs. However Michigan has the largest decline in job with 10,200 jobs.

Newt Gingrich sends apology to congressman Paul Ryan

Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich has sent an apology to the US congressman Paul Ryan who has criticized his proposal to change the Medicare policy if he is elected the president of America.

The spokesman for the presidential candidate disclosed that he had called the congressman on Friday and expressed his apology. The spokesman further said that the congressman who is also of the Republican Party has accepted the apology that was offered by the Gingrich adding that the conversation by two of them went very well.

Ryan is the chairman of the congress committee on budget he has proposed a shift in the policy where the Medicare should be replaced with voucher to make it possible for the older citizens to be able to buy health insurance. This was criticized by Gingrich who saw it as a radical change that could add to the government entitlement program which according to him is similar to the same law the president Obama is championing.

However Gingrich a former congressman and a former speaker of the house may have discovered that all was not well with his criticisms hence he decided to approach the congressman for reconciliation. The issue of Medicare is one of the policy issues that are dividing the Americans especially between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.

Obama sanctions on Syrian leaders

The president of the United States of America Barack Obama has placed sanctions on the key political leaders in Syria. Those affected by the sanction include the Syrian leader Assad, his six deputies and some other key government officials for using excessive force against the citizens of that country who are protesting for regime change in the country.

The president announced this just he makes his major policy statements on the revolution that is sweeping the Middle East.

The president has signed the executive order that imposed the sanctions against these selected key leaders of Syria. This was part of the efforts of the US to press pressure on the government of Syria to stop the use of violence to quell the protests in the country.

The US government observed that the Syrian government has used force and harassment and arrest to deal with the protests that is sweeping away the government. The sanctions were later extended to other 10 officials of the Syrian government who are also involved in serious human rights violations in the country.

It will be recalled the US and the other international organization has called on the government not to use excessive force against the people that are protesting against the government.

Al Qaeda releases posthumous message of Osama Bin Laden

Al Qaeda has released a recording which said was recorded by Osama Bin Laden just before he died. In that message Osama Bin Laden was pleased with the revolution which swept the political leadership in Tunisia and Egypt and spoke of the need for the Muslims to utilize every rare opportunity to rise to the top.

The video was shown in Islamic websites lasted for about 12 minutes. The content of the video has already being translated by Americans to truly digest its contents.

It would be recalled the US seal put an end to Osama Bin Laden on May 2 prompting a vacuum in the leadership of al Qaeda. However there is unconfirmed report that the terror group has named a former army colonel from Egypt to lead that group.

The former Egyptian army colonel Saif al-Adel was a close aid to Osama Bin Laden. He was said to be the security chief to Osama Bin Laden. He was also accused of being involved in the US embassy bombings in US in 1993 as well as having instructed those who carried out the 9-11 attack on US. He is said to be somewhere in Pakistan but was held in Iran from where he was released.

President Obama urges Middle East for peace talks

The president of the United States of America Barack Obama has stated that the time is ripe to solve the conflict between Israel and Palestine. He said that is the only road map to a sustainable peace in the Middle East.

The president spoke after a meeting with the Jordan king Abdullah in White House. The president is slated to meet with the Prime Minister of Israel Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday on the way forward in bringing lasting peace between the two countries. This was coming barely a day after the president talked to the American people over his policies in the Mid east as well as the uprising that that are related to pro democracy in some countries in that region.

Obama said that the two parties that are involved have to start serious negotiations on how to establish two independent states that would be living side by side of each other.

Obama also commented on the crisis that sweeping the mid east by pro democracy movements who wants their countries to embrace democracy, he said that dialogue remain the solution adding that the US would be working to provide equitable solutions to the problems that have been engulfing the region in the recent times.

Pakistan to cut NATO’s Afghan supply line following Bin Laden’s death

The death of Osama Bin Laden in the hands of American Navy Seals is forestalling the NATO efforts in Afghanistan. The security of the NATO supply line to Afghanistan may be cut by Pakistan if the threat of Pakistan is anything to go by. The lawmakers in Pakistan vetoed all the ties with the United States of America.

The lawmakers unanimously voted against the relations with the United States of America and condemned the US May 2nd attack that led to the killing of Osama Bin Laden. The lawmakers wanted the country to review its ties with US warning against such unilateral attack on the country by America in future.

The lawmakers also urged the government of the country to cut the NATO supply line to Afghanistan. The US is responding by sending a US law maker Senator Kerry to Pakistan to do what he knows how best to do.

The government in Pakistan is very fragile and it is hoping that the military will help it to stabilize in office till the term in office expires. The relation between US and Pakistan nose dived after the death of Osama Bin Laden in the hands of Americans who invaded the country without the knowledge of Pakistani security forces.

ftermath of Osama Killing: Pakistan to cut NATO’s Afghan supply line

The death of Osama Bin Laden in the hands of American Navy Seals is forestalling the NATO efforts in Afghanistan. The security of the NATO supply line to Afghanistan may be cut by Pakistan if the threat of Pakistan is anything to go by. The lawmakers in Pakistan vetoed all the ties with the United States of America. The lawmakers unanimously voted against the relations with the United States of America and condemned the US May 2nd attack that led to the killing of Osama Bin Laden. The lawmakers wanted the country to review its ties with US warning against such unilateral attack on the country by America in future.

The lawmakers also urged the government of the country to cut the NATO supply line to Afghanistan. The US is responding by sending a US law maker Senator Kerry to Pakistan to do what he knows how best to do.

The government in Pakistan is very fragile and it is hoping that the military will help it to stabilize in office till the term in office expires. The relation between US and Pakistan nose dived after the death of Osama Bin Laden in the hands of Americans who invaded the country without the knowledge of Pakistani security forces.

Two suicide attacks strains relations between U.S. and Pakistan

Two incidents of bomb attack in Pakistan that killed about 80 recruits are straining the relations between Pakistan and USA. The Taliban is claiming responsibility for the twin attack. They said that the attack is in retaliation to the death of Osama Bin Laden from the hands of Americans.

The attack was targeted on constabulary that has just concluded their six months training in Pakistan; the group was trained as part of the campaign to help Pakistan to respond to the threats of terrorism in the country. This particular attack is the worst to be recorded this year in the country. The attack is trying to cause diplomatic row between Pakistan and America. America has always believed that Pakistan is not responding properly to the demand of international community on the global war against terror. The recent killing of Osama Bin Laden in the country seems to have reinforced that believe.

The local population is worried on the escalating terror attack in the country after the killing of Osama Bin Laden in May 2. They were not happy that the US could take the unilateral decision to carry such attack without confiding to the authorities in Pakistan. Pakistan government is also not happy with the action of the US government.

Oil prices compel Obama to raise production

The high cost of oil has forced President Obama to review the oil production policy of the country by increasing the volume of oil production. It is apparent that Americans are frustrated with the increasing cost of oil.

The oil drilling companies have also attacked the government oil drilling policy. The president said in his weekly address to the country that he is setting up a committee to investigate the cause of the skyrocketing oil prices.

The committee to determine it is as a result of any manipulation or fraud. The price of gasoline has gone up to $4 a gallon. He is therefore calling for the elimination of the subsidies that are currently enjoyed by the oil producing companies.

There is a debate going on in the congress over the new direction of the country’s oil policy. The Democratic Party is proposing annual tax breaks of $2billion for the five big oil producing companies in the country. This is a legislation that is opposed by the Republican Party.

The US president said that the oil production in the country has reached its highest level in the country since 2003. The president said that there is the need to increase the oil production in the country and raise the level of environmental standard and safety in the country.

US Congress members show Bin Laden photos

As part of the evident to show to the American people that the story about the death of Osama Bin Laden is true the picture of his dead bodies were shown to some members of the congress of the United States of America.

One of the lawmakers who reported that he has seen the lifeless body of Osama is Senator James Inhofe. He disclosed that he was about 15 pictures of Osama Bin Laden. He said that most of the pictures he saw were the ones that were taken at the residence of Bin Laden in Pakistan soon after he was terminated by the Navy Seal. The senator described the pictures he saw as gruesome. He said that it is true that Bin Laden is actually dead.

The US intelligence decided to share the photo with some selected group of American society. The photo would also be shown to the congress members of the intelligence committee. However the intelligence would not allow anybody to make away with any of the pictures.

The government decided to show the pictures as evidence to prove that Osama Bin Laden has been killed. The cross section of Americans have demanded for the pictures as evidence that the most wanted terrorist in the world history is actually eliminated.