World AIDS Day calls on people for awareness

World AIDS Day

World Aids Day reminds the world of the deadly disease which has almost engulfed both the hemispheres now. Despite being 30 years after its first case was reported in the United States, researchers and doctors have yet not succeeded in finding out a proper treatment for AIDS. The best way to save ourselves from AIDS is to stay away from the factors that cause HIV virus to communicate further.


Finger-prick blood testing has made it easier and faster to diagnose the disease. Antiviral medications also help in slowing down the decay of health due to HIV virus in a person who is HIV positive. Still HIV/AIDS seems to be a death sentence for people.

The grave concern regarding AIDS is that it’s still a matter of social stigma. People suffering from AIDS are considered untouchables, they are discriminated at jobs and socially discarded if they reveal their health conditions.

Lisa Cohen is working in this regard since 1981, as a health educator at Pinellas to make people more aware of AIDS. At present she is working as an operations manager and HIV/AIDS program coordinator.

According to Cohen, though there is more awareness among people regarding AIDS, there is still much to do. It’s great to see that even after catching AIDS, people can afford living longer due to better anti-viral medicines.

Today, celebrating the World AIDS Day, Cohen says, people should come forward to help those who are suffering from this life-paralyzing disease and show love to them.