Syrian military attacks cartoonist Ali Ferzat

Ferzat, a political cartoonist of was beaten by the Syrian military for being critical of Assad’s regime.

He was found bleeding at Damascus roadside.

At present,Ali Ferzat is lying in a hospital bed in Damascus following an attack on him by few masked armed soldiers. They left him on the side of a road bleeding heavily.

Ali Ferzat, 60,  is renowned cartoonist of Arab world, popular for vivid drawings to show freedom of expression. He is considered a revolutionary cartoonist. The attack haveee occurred following a dialogue between Iranian diplomat, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Syrrriaaan President Assad for peaceful resolution to ongoing protests in the country.

Ferzat has been working for an art gallery in central Damascus. He has openly criticized the corrupt politicians and bureaucrats of Syria as well as other Arab nations. He was also threatened of death from ex-Iraqi president Saddam Hussein. Ferzat has recently started making drawings showing the uprisings of the Arab world.

In reaction to his criticism, the cartoonist was captured by the Assad-supporting military forces, and taken into a van. The soldiers broke his hands and said that it was just a warning to stop him from raising voice against the President Assad.

Rebellions welcome coalition forces’ armed aircraft in Libya

US President’s decision to deploy armed aircraft has been welcomed by the Libyan citizens. They were overwhelmed with US initiative to stop killing of civilians and hoped that NATO-led coalition forces would soon overtake the pro-government security forces.

Barack Obama justified the use of  armed Predator drone aircraft by the coalition forces against Gaddafi supporting Libyan forces to speed up their mission to save rebellions in Libya, stated Robert Gates, the US Defense Secretary.

US delegates visited Libya after sending two predatoaicraft to minimize thi mission citing the bad weather. McCain, top opposition leader and member of Senate Armed Service Committee stated that he had talked with the  the Libyan rebellions’ government– Transitional National Council, in Benghazi. McCain admired the rebellions’ fight against the autocratic ruler Gaddafi and called them as heroes.

The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in Baghdad Adm. Mike Mullen,  aso gave similar views on the condition of Libyan crisis. He stated that the continuous air strike by the US military and coalition forces have compelled the pro-government forces to step back and their strength has reduced.

Mullen told the US military deployed in Baghdad that the US forces would soon defeat Gaddafi’s supporters and he would be thrown out of power very soon. However, Mullen was not sure when exactly this target would be be achieved.

US president supports military action against Libyan counterpart

US president supports military action against Libyan counterpart

Barack Obama states that US military interventions in Libya has saved numerous lives there. He said this while addressing the people of the United States on television and emphasized that intervention by the US security forces has helped in avoiding a massacre in Libya.

Obama appealed to the Muammar Gaddafi supporter forces and Libyan people not to support the oppressive ruler anymore and keep struggling for the procedure.

He stated that if the autocratic ruler would not get access to arms and cash and no more support from the people, the international community will find it easy to remove Gaddafi from his post. He added however that the overthrow of the regime might not be so easy as Gaddafi is trying hard to retain his power.

The US president had earlier too expressed his desire to see Gaddifi hand over the Libyan regime to the opposition. He had said so while affirming the UN resolution to declare Libya a no-fly zone.

Though the US president clarified that the international security forces did not aim to target Gaddafi or force him to step down under the pressure of armed US troops. Obama confessed that the United Stated had done so in Iraq by forcing Saddam to step down. He further added that American soldiers and politicians had collectively put lot of efforts to improve Iraq’s condition.

US calls for downsizing military troops to balance budget deficit

US Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates has ordered a downsizing of the Army and navy. There will be a reduction of 47,000 troops following a call from White House to cut defense budget. T

he downsizing will reduce defense expenses by $78 billion, Gates stated However, he pointed out that the reduction in military troops will occur before 2015.

The defense secretary also revealed that the United States is withdrawing its forces from Iraq and Afghanistan.

For last four years the United States have expanded its military power so far to maximize troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. The downsizing will therefore assure the fact that American soldiers are called back from these two nations and there would not be any need to expand the military.

However, even withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan is not going to take place very soon. Robert Gates and other top officials believe that there is a major risk involved in downsizing the forces and this is why they have only modestly reduced the number of troops in the Army and Navy.

Despite the call for withdrawal of forces, US strategy of military interference in other nation’s has not changed yet. Pentagon is ready to send off 1,000 marines troops in addition to the present number in Helmand Province in Afghanistan to pressurize Taliban.