Leaders expect UN nuk agency to reveal details on Iran’s weapons

Leaders expect UN nuk agency to reveal details on Iran’s weapons

Leaders expect UN nuk agency to reveal details on Iran’s weapons

International leaders stated International Atomic Energy Agency [IAEA] would reveal information about Iran’s computer models of nuclear war and its secret development of nuclear arms.

Tehran has allegedly continued secret work to develop nuclear warms, said the diplomats while talking to media on last Friday.

The IAEA  also aims to share  the satellite imagery of a steel container , which according to the UN atomic agency, is used for testing  nuclear arms-related high explosives, added the diplomats. The UN agency is going to reveal this to 35 board members.

The IAEA had also listed Iran’s activities that indicated that the country was secretly producing nuclear weapons for almost a decade.

The new findings have strengthened these doubts as the weapon-related work has now gone wider in volume and scope, as per the intelligence reports of the IAEA.


The revelation increases possibilities of international military actions against Iran’s nuclear activities.

Shimon Peres, Israeli President told on international leaders should consider breaking their silence and take military action instead of diplomatic negotiations with Iran over this issue.

Meanwhile, even British media has also spread words over the issue, citing authorities who claimed that the United Kingdom was also prepared to support in case the United States considers to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities.

Firefighters extinguish flames at US nuclear lab

Firefighters saved what could have been nuclear tragedy when they beat back fire that was engulfing Los Alamos National Laboratory which was the preeminent nuclear facility in the country. This has caused panic in Los Alamos which had forced the authority to order for the immediate evacuation of the people who are living in the city. The residents of the city were put to about 12, 000 people.

The firefighters were able to extinguish the flames inside the southwestern boundary of the lab. The buildings were not gutted by fire but the authority said that the threat was enormous. The position of the fire was at 28,000 near the complex that is the location of the laboratory.

The plutonium facility of the laboratory was located at the north eastern site of the complex. The position of the fire was said to be in the direction of the south east. The laboratory occupied a very vast area in the city. The authority maintained that the facilities at the lab was protected against any threat by fire adding that it had survived the year 2000 wildfire which damaged some parts of the building and properties that were estimated to be about $1billion then.

The authorities also maintained that the explosive materials in the laboratory are safely stored at the underground bunkers that are made in concrete and steel.

Firefighters extinguish flames at nuclear lab

Firefighters saved what could have been nuclear tragedy when they beat back fire that was engulfing Los Alamos National Laboratory which was the preeminent nuclear facility in the country. This has caused panic in Los Alamos which had forced the authority to order for the immediate evacuation of the people who are living in the city. The residents of the city were put to about 12, 000 people.The firefighters were able to extinguish the flames inside the southwestern boundary of the lab. The buildings were not gutted by fire but the authority said that the threat was enormous. The position of the fire was at 28,000 near the complex that is the location of the laboratory.

The plutonium facility of the laboratory was located at the north eastern site of the complex. The position of the fire was said to be in the direction of the south east. The laboratory occupied a very vast area in the city. The authority maintained that the facilities at the lab was protected against any threat by fire adding that it had survived the year 2000 wildfire which damaged some parts of the building and properties that were estimated to be about $1billion then.

The authorities also maintained that the explosive materials in the laboratory are safely stored at the underground bunkers that are made in concrete and steel.

Japanese nuclear disaster to bring tsunami in world

Japan has made the whole world sleepless by revealing that it would take months to control the radioactive leakage in the nuclear plant. So far this has been first time that the authorities of a nation have confessed possibilities of dangers of mismanaging nuclear energy. The leakage of radioactive radiations from the Daiichi plant in Japan has put the entire global community in shock.

Tokyo Electric Power Coo that is handling the temperature controlling systems at nuclear plants in Japan stated that, the disaster may overburden its budget and also cause many civil damages.
The Japanese government predicted so far the material damage after tsunami and earthquake around $300 billion; however Japan’s total lost is increasing day by day as it is losing commercial activities with many foreign firms pulling back due to radiation fiasco.

The compensation asked by the Tokyo Electric Power Co are to be considered in the wake of Japan’s 1961 Act on Compensation for Nuclear Damage According to US financial experts it the company may ask for around $130 billion or more.

Tokyo Electric (TEPCO) and the Japanese government both will bear the expences incurred as the operator may get exempted citing the incident as natural disaster of exceptional nature. However the companies will remain liable to around 40% of the costs incurred due to damges and further loss.

Fight against Radiation roughens in Japan

Fight against Radiation roughens in Japan

Japan is trying hard to control the unprecedented temperature at Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear complex. The radioactive water is probably leaking from the reactors.

Despite the leakage, the scientists and the workers are still trying to stabilize the hot rods of spent fuel that was lying in the pool and is now under radioactive water. The harmful effects of leakage are ignored in order to control the radiation spread which is considered much more devastating and wide spread.

The workers at the reactor are trying to measure ways to prevent radiation come out into atmosphere however it can not stop it entirely. So, the efforts are concentrated on how to minimize the level, stated a nuclear engineering expert Elmer Lewis, who is a professor at Northwestern University.

The fears of radiation crisis have intensified now with the leakage of radioactive water. Three workers from the nuclear plant have been hospitalized for treatment of radiation burns.

Reports are also revealing that the effect of radiation exposure over skin might reach up to 2000 to 6000 millisieverts. However, the exposure to gamma radiation even for an hour will be deadlier. The current effects are due to shorter-range beta radiation which cause minor skin burns only.

Japanese emperor calls on people to keep hope

Japanese emperor calls on people to keep hope

Japanese emperor calls on people to keep hope

Following the devastating earthquake and Tsunami Japanese Emperor Akihito urges people not to give up their hopes.

The emperor, who rarely appears in public called on Japanese people to stay calm and united at this time of crisis when Tsunami and earthquake has devastated Japan and people are fearing nuclear catastrophe following failure of cooling systems at two nuclear plants of the country due to quake.

The 77-year-old emperor usually gives televised speech at the time of war or extreme crisis.

He supported Prime Minister Naoto Kan’s statement that this was worst crisis for Japan ever since the Second World War.

He assured Japanese people of international community’s support in this crisis and appreciated them for staying calm.

King’s speech was televised on the same day when Fukushima Daiichi’s nuclear plant was damaged and white smoke and fire coming from the reactors panicked people. More than 15000 people have been evacuated from the areas adjacent to nuclear plants to avoid radiation aftermath though experts are still denying possibility of any radiation catastrophe.

The reactor No. 4 was found with flames on Wednesday morning that raised concerns of dangerous radiation as spent fuel rods were lying in an uncovered pool inside.

Radiation level is being monitored at the plant and the area has been evacuated as a precautionary measure as the radiation level has been found fluctuating.

Japanese emperor calls on people to keep hope

Obama wins as Senate poised to pass Nuclear Treaty

Obama signs on START Treaty in Prague

Washington: The New START treaty between the United States and Russia is poised for ratification in the Senate giving a victory to the Obama administration and the White House campaign that tried hard for the approval of the treaty.

Even Republicans who are opposing the treaty are divided. The schism in the Republican Party got pronounced as eleven members of the party joined the Democrats on the issue and the party’s third most important leader, Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee declared his support for the treaty.

The Obama administration has worked hard to see the treaty ratified. Efforts included the firming up of commitment to secure $80 billions for nuclear modernization in the USA.

The treaty restricts the signatory countries to limit their long-range nuclear missiles to 1550 from 2200 in seven years of signing it. Countries that ratify the treaty will limit the number of nuclear launchers to 700.

The treaty will have modes effects on the nuclear capabilities of the USA and Russia. But it can strengthen security relations with Russia and help in persuading other countries to reduce their nuclear arsenal.

Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said after the 67-28 vote, “We are on the brink of writing the next chapter in the 40-year history of wrestling with the threat of nuclear weapons.”

Alexander, rendered his support because he felt that the pact “leaves our country with enough nuclear warheads to blow any attacker to kingdom come. I’m convinced that Americans are safer and more secure with the New START treaty than without it.”

North Korea’s nuclear program more advanced than Iran: US

N Korea's nuclear program

Washington: The US intelligence department in an important revelation has said that North Korea has more advanced nuclear technology compared to Iran. North Korea’s new nuclear plant to enrich nuclear fuel technology is so much advanced that the countries working on this technology may take more than two decades to match the advancement.

According to intelligence officials. After assessing North Korea’s advancement on the nuclear front, US and South Korean officials have viewed that the new nuclear plant could not have been so enriched without sophisticated networking of certain factors and a full-fledged uranium enrichment plant, elsewhere in the country.

The nuclear capability of North Korea has come as a surprise to many since the country has been facing economic sanctions and a ban on sea and air shipments, executed in the Bush era and made stricter after the UN Security Council resolution passed last year in the aftermath of second nuclear test by North Korea.

The recent intelligence reports have been a cause of concern for the US administration especially when its officials are making an all-out effort to devise a common strategy with China and other Asian countries to contain North Korea’s nuclear advancements.

Gary Samore, chief nuclear adviser in the Obama administration, has conceded for the first time that North Korea’s nuclear program is much more ahead than Iran, which is currently struggling to make further advancement.

Amidst the talk of more sanctions on North Korea, Chinese officials have made a point in which they argued that further sanctions can be counterproductive as largely failed in the past.

US ‘Not Rushing’ To Military Option Against Iran

US- Iran Diplomatic relation are changing

Washington: The Obama government’s chief nuclear advisor, Gary Samore, has stated that the United States may impose new sanctions on Iran very soon in order to check its nuclear program advancement. Samore, the US coordinator for Counter-terrorism and arms control, has revealed that the US will keep mounting diplomatic pressure on Teheran and take additional measures considering the upcoming meeting next month between Iran, the US and other world powers to direct nuclear talks.

While addressing a conference on security and defense, he stated that the United States would increase sanctions as Iranian leaders kept avoiding detailed negotiations on the nuclear issue. He further said that the sanctions would not be lifted until all concerns are fully addressed. Samore did not give details about the exact roadmap over the Iran issue but it has been said that several members of Congress are considering a new legislation to limit Iran’s crude oil export and pressurize firms to publicly disclose their deals with Teheran. In addition, many Congress members want more stern sanctions which include punishing foreign companies engaged in business deals with Iran.

He said that Iran had more successful missile program as compared to its nuclear program; so, the United States would like to have a serious strategy to prevent arms sales taking place from Iran.

So far, sanctions imposed on Iran have had significant outcomes since the global ban on acquiring nuclear equipment and technologies for its nuclear program, Samore said. He further said that the United States would not rush to military option against Iran and first resort to diplomatic efforts.

‘Super Powers’ fail to negotiate with Iran on nuclear issue

six nations meeting with Iran over nuclear issue

The Istanbul meeting ended without reaching any conclusion over Iran’s nuclear issue. Six world powers could not make Iran agree with their except for the next meet in the coming month. The meeting involved representatives from the US, Britain, Russia, China, France and Germany beside Iran.

The US officials revealed that the meeting could not draw any conclusion over the issue due to contradictory expectations from both sides.

EU foreign policy chief, Catherine Ashton, stated that the two parties agreed to talk in January to discuss alternatives for cooperation and to find a resolution over the nuclear issue.

However, Iran declared the meeting as ended with ‘vague’ suggestions. The Iranian negotiator Saeed Jalili stated that the next meeting between the six nations and Iran would be towards finding a platform for cooperation, which also he said was not something Iran proposed. It was Lady Ashton, EU foreign minister who said this and other members of the meeting agreed.

Jalai said that Iran was ‘absolutely’ not ready to negotiate over uranium enrichment. The six nations wanted to pressurize Iran to follow the UN resolution that demanded suspension of uranium enrichment.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had mentioned while addressing people in Tehran that Iran would talk further only if the international sanctions against her are dropped.

In the Geneva press conference, Jalali faulted nuclear scientist Shahriari’s murder and indirectly blamed the UN security council. The UNSC had declared four scientists including Shahriari as being involved in ‘banned nuclear activities.’