Iranian crude murder plan against Saudi envoy shocks US

Iran plans to assassinate Saudi envoy to US

The US administration sought for explanation over proofs of Iran’s involvement in the murder plot against Saudi ambassador to the United States on Wednesday. The action has been severely criticized by foreign leaders and diplomats.

The US officials could not explain over their findings of Quds Force’s involvement as this would definitey tarnish the image of the unit which is part of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps and is considered being one of the elite international operations.

Jay Carney, spokesperson of Obama government kept on saying that there were clear evidence of senior officials of Quds Forces’ participation in the assassination plan, however he did not say anything further.

Iranian authorities fiercely opposed the American accusation and called it a deliberate act to tarnish Iran’s image.

Meanwhile, the US officials revealed they were trying to establish reasons to justify what their findings prove and indicated that as Quds Force is a known hand in supplying arms to the insurgents and training them, the murder plot might be an outcome of Iran’s changing strategy toward Saudi Arabia and the United States. The move might also be a trial to create tension  and between the United States and Saudi Arabia and spoil their economic relations.

US to follow new strategy for establishing peace in Middle East

Hillary Clinton, U.S. Secretary of State stated that the United States is formulating new strategy to promote Arab-Israeli peace and also to resolve conflict between Israel and Palestine.

Clinton revealed that President Barack Obama is to lay out new U.S. policy to tackle with the Middle East issues as well as North Africa in order to establish peace in these regions. The US president initiated a direct dialogue over Israel-Palestine peace however America is pressurized now with the possibilities that Palestinians might seek help from the United Nations to form a Palestinian state.

Mrs. Clinton further stated that the president would talk over US policy toward Middle East and North Africa coming week. She explained that the US interests are same toward human values and commitments to establish harmony and peace in the world as they have been and it pledges to resolve conflicts and remove terrorism from the entire world. She reiterates US aim to resolve Middle East issues and says that the nation is eager to reinitiate the peace process.

The US secretary of state discussed the problems of mass revolutions in Middle East and other parts of the world that are fighting against authoritarian rulers. She attributed the unrests in Arab World as impacts of the same in Tunisia and Egypt, inspiring Libya, Bahrain, Yemen, Saudi Arabia and Syria to follow the same path.

Armed forces attack anti-government protestors in Bahrain

Bahrain’s troops attack protestors demanding for the ouster of current government.

Despite declaration of state of emergency in Bahrain, people continue demonstrating against the autocratic government.

The security personnel used tear gas vehicles to scatter the crowd of protestors who had occupied a landmark square in Manama, the capital of Bahrain. According to some witnesses, two demonstrators died in the clash with the security forces.

Declaration of state of emergency has suddenly powered the armed forces with more authority over system.

The protestors were attacked early in the morning and black smoke covered the square soon after the attack began. Helicopters were also seen hovering over the landmark square where the demonstrators had gathered to protest. Following the declaration of state of emergency on Wednesday Bahrain’s stock exchange has been closed down at 1413.19 on Tuesday. There has been no announcement yet when it would reopen. Bahrain stock market stands for a very small section of investment world in the Persian Gulf region

According to the sources, Saudi Arabia refuted to obey the orders of the United States for not involving in Bahrain’s issue and sent its security forces to check violence.

Thousands of security personnel from Saudi Arabia 500 UAE police officials have reached Bahrain to establish peace there. However, the United States fears such moves might intensify tensions in Bahrain. Protestors are increasing in number day by day and have taken control over financial district in the capital city Manama.  The US administration also fears over the possibility of sectarian violence following the arrival of Saudi Arabian Sunni troops and Shiya forces from Iran.

However, the Bahrain government has announced to initiate a national dialogue to resolve the situation a week ago, which has raised hopes among the protestors.

Anti-Government Protesters Demonstrate in Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Bahrain

The wind of revolution has engulfed entire Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Bahrain following Egypt, Tunisia and many other nations in the Middle East region.

Thousands of people demanding ouster of the current autocratic regime in Bahrain protested against the suppressive rule. It is been more than a week with violent protests and clashes between opponents of Saudi Arabian government and security forces. The protestors are demanding release of the people who are detained by the police without any charges.

More than a hundred people are estimated to have been injured after security forces used tear gas and batons against the protestors while they were marching to close down the financial center of Manama. The demonstrators threw stones and gas canisters over the security forces in return.

In Yemen, the security forces had to fire against the demonstrators demanding overthrow of autocratioc government. Seven protestors were killed while many others were injured in the clashes.

People Demonstrate in Saudi Arabia Against Government

People Demonstrate in Saudi Arabia Against Government

The United States strongly condemned security forces’ actions in Yemen and Bahrain and urged the governments of the two nations to initiate peaceful talks with opposition groups.

In Saudi Arabia too, thousands of people demonstrated against imprisonment of their relatives by the security persons without any reason. The demonstrators rallied in front of the Interior Ministry demanding immediate release of the people detained, however, there have no violence so far.