Turkey Had the Key for Regional Plan on Syria

As the protest the continued over the rule of president Assad is continuing the Syrian government has intensified its attacks against the protesters. This was evident on Sunday when the Syrian government sends their gun ships to shell the town of Latakia. Despite the increase in crackdown by the government the rebellion is only increasing.

The prosecution of the conflict so far and the international response to it had shown that the regional powers must intervene in the crisis if it is not to have a ripple effect. Turkey one of the neighbours of Syria is believed to hold the key for the intervention of the regional bodies or the neighbours of Syria in the crisis.

The people of Syria have demonstrated to the extent that the international community has to intervene. If the politics is completely local there would not be easy resolution of the crisis and if it escalates it will affect the neighbours.

Similar situation is playing out in Afghanistan where each of the neighbours is involved in one plan or the other to have control over the situation in the country. The neighbours know that the crisis would take a new dimension once international forces leave the scene. This situation applies to Turkey because it is in a better position to exploit the situation.

Human Rights Abuses Clinton chides Turkey

The United States Secretary of State Mrs. Hilary Rodham Clinton has criticized Turkey over its slide in human rights. She also talked about Turkey taking action to enhance the secular tradition. Mrs. Clinton noted that Turkey support is very important to the success of American goals in the Middle East.

Mrs. Clinton condemned the arrests of journalists by the moderate Muslim country and also chided it for curbing religious freedom in the country. she said that the country had gone far in the observation of human rights and advised that the country should recommit itself to the goal of modernization and democratic values saying that Turkey should serve as an ideal to other Arab nations which are now facing situation of instability as a results of revolts. Mrs. Clinton who was addressing the press in the company of the Turkish Prime Minister advised other countries in Arab and North America to learn from Turkey experience stressing that stability can only come through responsible leadership.

She used the opportunity to urge the Turkish people to use the constitutional reform process to address other remaining issues about human right such as freedom of expression and religion and ensure the protection of minority’s rights.

Syrians flee into Turkey to evade crackdown

It is reported that well of 1,500 Syrian citizens have fled their country to neighboring Turkey to run away from anticipated government crackdown. This is a sign that president Assad is using heavy force against the growing opposition that is working to overthrow his regime.

So far the efforts of the Syrian opposition to crush their autocratic regime as the other Arab states are doing is leading to crackdown and death of Syrians.

So far the western world and international community have not done more than ordinary condemnation of the crackdown. Recently the British government had asked the United Nations Security Council to pass a resolution against the highhandedness of Assad.

Syrian resident near the border are crossing over to avert the attack by the military. It is reported that about 40 tanks and soldiers had moved near the town of Jisr al- Shughour. This is the area where it is reported that an armed group had killed about 120 security officers. There are about 50,000 Syrians living along that border.

There is a report of infighting among the Syrian security officers. It is reported that soldiers opened fire on those soldiers that refused to open fire on civilians.

Meanwhile demonstrations are still going on in the country. Women and children have joined the demonstration urging for a regime change in the country.

‘Super Powers’ fail to negotiate with Iran on nuclear issue

six nations meeting with Iran over nuclear issue

The Istanbul meeting ended without reaching any conclusion over Iran’s nuclear issue. Six world powers could not make Iran agree with their except for the next meet in the coming month. The meeting involved representatives from the US, Britain, Russia, China, France and Germany beside Iran.

The US officials revealed that the meeting could not draw any conclusion over the issue due to contradictory expectations from both sides.

EU foreign policy chief, Catherine Ashton, stated that the two parties agreed to talk in January to discuss alternatives for cooperation and to find a resolution over the nuclear issue.

However, Iran declared the meeting as ended with ‘vague’ suggestions. The Iranian negotiator Saeed Jalili stated that the next meeting between the six nations and Iran would be towards finding a platform for cooperation, which also he said was not something Iran proposed. It was Lady Ashton, EU foreign minister who said this and other members of the meeting agreed.

Jalai said that Iran was ‘absolutely’ not ready to negotiate over uranium enrichment. The six nations wanted to pressurize Iran to follow the UN resolution that demanded suspension of uranium enrichment.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had mentioned while addressing people in Tehran that Iran would talk further only if the international sanctions against her are dropped.

In the Geneva press conference, Jalali faulted nuclear scientist Shahriari’s murder and indirectly blamed the UN security council. The UNSC had declared four scientists including Shahriari as being involved in ‘banned nuclear activities.’