US administration removes Capt. Owen Honors, from captain’s position in navy. He has been found guilty of wrong judgment and unprofessional behavior. The incidence follows repeal of the law in US defense– ‘don’t ask, don’t tell.’
Navy decided to remove captain of an aircraft carrier on the issue of some videos giving anti-gay messages and slurs. The officials in military are yet not very acquainted with the freedom recently given to homosexuals to serve without hiding their sexual orientation.
Capt. Owen Honors’s showed crude of Norfolk, an aircraft carrier making derogatory remarks on gays. Captain Owen was in command of that ship 4 years back.
“An official from US military admitted that most of the security personnel were highly conservative and disclosure of homosexuality often leads to embarrassment and social stigma within their military units for gays.
Navy’s Fleet Forces Command’s chief, Adm. John Harvey, did not use the exact terms which were used in the video on the basis of which he dismissed Captain Honors.
Harvey further stated that Captain Honors’ failure to make proper judgment and conducting unprofessional behavior has spoiled his credibility to retain the prestigious post. He also added that further investigation was being carried to find out about other officials who were involved in the video episode or had been aware of it.