There is anxiety all over the neighborhood of the lower Mississippi. The residents have packed their belongings and the emergency workers are busy feeling bags with sands to prevent the river from overflowing the neighborhood.
Already thousands of residents have already started moving out of the area. From the intensity of the impending flooding this may be one of the largest disasters that befall the neighborhood since 1920s.
There is an expectation that the same thing which was done in Missouri where army engineers blew the levee where the water has to escape in order to save the teaming thousands of the population who would have been negatively affected. Already muddy and farmers are already in desperate move to have way out of the ugly situations.
There are indications that the water level has reached what was obtained in the 1927 and 1937 that produced some of the worst flood ever recorded in history would likely repeat itself.
However because of the protective measures that were put in place those years of turbulent floods the current threat may not be as destructive as that of the seventy years ago. The levees as well as the locks which were built then can be used once more to deal with the threats.