Obama pleased over breaking gridlock with Republicans

Washington – President Barack Obama refused to sit on the laurels of the recent victory as the lame-duck session of Congress drew to an end Wednesday. He termed the victories in the recent weeks as the victory of the American people and not his own. He was happy that things were done in the Congress and that it is not doomed for countless gridlocks.

Obama was pleased that after the mid term elections, contrary to popular expectations, the Republicans and the Democrats joined hands on issues rather stalling political processes with gridlocks.

Republicans and Democrats have to work jointly now. After the 2008 elections the Democrats had a 15 seats advantage in the Senate. In the House of Representative they had a 78 seat advantage. But now, after the mid term elections, the Republicans have majority in the House and their numbers have gone up in the Senate to 47.

The Democrats will need the support of the Republicans on two major issues at least. The intention of reducing Federal spending and the issue of education reform that contains the controversial move of performance based teacher’s salary. The topic of rewarding school districts following the No Child Left Behind Law is expected to find more Republican support.

The President’s press conference this time was a much jovial one than the one he had addresses seven weeks ago.