Kabul, Afghanistan: The coalition forces in Afghanistan has denied the media reports that US military wants to boost special activities and raids in the tribal regions of Pakistan to get hold over the extremists launching attacks on allied troops working in adjoining border areas of Afghanistan.
While denying the report published in a leading US daily, NATO’s deputy chief of communications, U.S. Rear Adm. Gregory Smith, clarified on Tuesday that the report was baseless and there was no validity in it whatsoever.
Earlier the published report had gathered a huge attention in which it mentioned that the NATO forces were thinking of launching raids in Pakistan’s tribal areas to catch militants taken refuge there to protect themselves.
Meanwhile, Pakistan’s envoy to the US Husain Haqqani said that Islamabad would not allow any foreign military crossing its border and its forces were capable enough to teach lessons to extremists operating in the tribal areas. He further said that Pakistan was ready to give all possible supports to the allied forces fighting war against terror but under no circumstances would want to see foreign army on its soil.
Haqqani further said that chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen went on a visit to Pakistan and appreciated its efforts and contributions in a global war on terror; during his trip, he never gave any indication of NATO troops’ special activities in Pakistan.