Flooding waters have continued to ravage the US city of Minot. The airman who was on guard in the city was dumb as he has no explanation and no answers for the surging waters which has completely consumed the city of Dakota.
The airman Theron Griffin was on guard for about 14 hours at Minot. As a sentinel he watched the swelling waters consume everything it comes across. The city has about 12,000 residents who were earlier evacuated from the city. The officials are finding it difficult to curtail the flood which has already created record as the worst ever to be witnessed in the city. Already it is reported that thousands of homes are already submerged and many more are likely to go.
The airman was on hand to tell the story to journalists and authorities. He said that the flood is just intensifying. He said that officials from the local and federal authorities are working hard to remove the dirts and other things that would cause obstruction along the bank of the river.
He said that no less than 3000 homes have gone as result of the flooding. One of the victims was Cassandra Martin who moved to the area few months back. They were forced to leave their homes and like thousands of others are sheltered at Red Cross compound. Because of the intensity of the flood more people are expected to be evacuated away from the neighboring communities.