World AIDS Day calls on people for awareness

World AIDS Day

World Aids Day reminds the world of the deadly disease which has almost engulfed both the hemispheres now. Despite being 30 years after its first case was reported in the United States, researchers and doctors have yet not succeeded in finding out a proper treatment for AIDS. The best way to save ourselves from AIDS is to stay away from the factors that cause HIV virus to communicate further.


Finger-prick blood testing has made it easier and faster to diagnose the disease. Antiviral medications also help in slowing down the decay of health due to HIV virus in a person who is HIV positive. Still HIV/AIDS seems to be a death sentence for people.

The grave concern regarding AIDS is that it’s still a matter of social stigma. People suffering from AIDS are considered untouchables, they are discriminated at jobs and socially discarded if they reveal their health conditions.

Lisa Cohen is working in this regard since 1981, as a health educator at Pinellas to make people more aware of AIDS. At present she is working as an operations manager and HIV/AIDS program coordinator.

According to Cohen, though there is more awareness among people regarding AIDS, there is still much to do. It’s great to see that even after catching AIDS, people can afford living longer due to better anti-viral medicines.

Today, celebrating the World AIDS Day, Cohen says, people should come forward to help those who are suffering from this life-paralyzing disease and show love to them.

Germany working to resolve E. coli contamination

The authorities in Germany said that they are still working to resolve how sprouts farm were contaminated with E. coli which has so far claimed the life of 35 people. The officials on Friday blamed sprouts at lower Saxony state as being responsible for the outbreak. Apart from the number of death about 3000 people were affected by the incident.

However what the authorities of the agriculture ministry were not able to resolve is how the bug was brought to the farm. It is not clear whether the bug was brought by the workers into the farm, or whether bacteria got to the farm through the seed or through any other means.

Tests were conducted on about 1,100 samples, 300 out of them is from the farm. The tests are not concluded and it will continue until answers are found for the problem. The orld Health Organization has reported that about 35 people have so far died of the incidence. Only 1 of the victims is not from Germany.

33 of those who died had rare complication which they developed as a result of the incident which led to kidney failure. So far about 3,255 people have fallen ill as a result. The country is not giving up in the fight against the outbreak.

US judge rules rampage suspect incompetent

A federal judge in America ruled on Wednesday that Jarel Loughner is incompetent to stand trial; reason being that he is mentally unbalanced. Loughher was arraigned before the court for opening fire on a constituent event in January which led to the death of about 6 people and 12 other people sustaining injuries.

The judge Larry Burns had earlier suspended proceedings on the case when the accused misbehaved and sent him to Springfield psychiatric center for examination. He was suspected to be suffering from schizophrenia. However the case was adjourned to September 21 to enable prosecution continue with the case, at that time it was expected that the accused would have become mentally balanced enough to understand the 49 charges that were laid against him.

It is feared that the accused would never get the emotional competence again and he will remain in the facility for the rest of his life. However the prosecutors are optimistic that by the time the court reconvenes again for the case on September that Loughner would have improved mentally for him to face justice for the multiple crimes and the charges that are laid against him. The court officials are having a review of the proceeding to ascertain the veracity of the statement that was credited to him for the short relieve on the trial.

A cup of coffee can keep you away from Strokes

Coffee can keep you away from strokes

Coffee can keep you away from strokes

For coffee lovers the recent studies have brought an extra cup of sweetness. According to a Swedish research, women who consumed coffee once or up to five times a day were found having less risk of strokes.

It was even observed that, consumption of coffee on a regular basis may also reduce the level of risk for   heart attacks by 25 percent. The researchers noted that women who did not drink coffee were more prone to heart diseases and higher risk of heart diseases.

Though, the researchers have clarified that the findings were yet in their initial stage and therefore, should not be taken as facts to decide upon or changing food habits.

The findings of this study were published in ‘Stroke’ in its March 10 issue. The researchers—Larsson and his team collected information from 34,670 women.  The study looked into those data that established correlation among diet, living styles and diseases.

It was found that 1680 women under observation experienced strokes, however among all of them, those who drank coffee had less risk of strokes. This difference was remarkable as much as from 22% to 25%.

Women who consumed coffee on a regular basis—i.e. from 1-2 cup every day to 5 or more cups were found enjoying similar advantage of lower risk of strokes in contrast to those who had not taken coffee usually or regularly. The findings remained same even when other factors like weight, smoking, diabetes, drinking and high blood pressure were taken into account under the research.

Therefore, the observers have concluded on the basis of their observation that coffee helps in reducing inflammation, oxidative stress and also increases insulin resistance, which ultimately decrease the risk of strokes.

Cutting Back on Meat Reduces Chances of Getting Cancer

Cutting Back on Meat Reduces Chances of Getting Cancer

Cutting Back on Meat Reduces Chances of Getting Cancer

It is believed that being a vegetarian is more beneficial for health. However, those who are meat eaters should watch out how much meat they are consuming.  The Department of Health in England advises people to eat less than 70g of red or processed meat a day to reduce the risk of cancer.

Bowel cancer is the third most common cancer in the UK and every year 36,000 are diagnosed with bowel cancer. Out of them, 16,500 people die every year. Eating 100-120 grams of red and processed meat everyday increases the chances of bowel cancer by 20-30 percent.

This could be prevented if people restricted their red and processed meat consumption levels to 70g or less. This means you should not consume more meat than what is contained in three rashers of bacon or two sausages.

But critics have pointed out that iron deficiency is an issue which meat eaters could experience when they cut back on red meat. Iron deficiency could cause dizziness, anemia and result in behavioral problems. The new meat eating limit will not cause iron deficiency.

Prof. Sally Davies interim Chief Medical Officer of England favors the cutting back on meat. She is not against the consumption of an occasional steak, but recommends limiting daily consumption of red and processed meat.

Chief executive of Beating Bowel Cancer Mark Flannagan welcomed the report saying that people can eat red meat in moderation.

Dr Rachel Thompson, its deputy science head of the World Cancer Research Fund advises to keep processed meat to a bare minimum of the 70g limit. The Fund recommends on avoiding processed meat completely.

Study shows smoking can cause genetic damages

A recent Finding on the effects of smoking indicates that smoking tobacco can be harmful to DNA and cause permanent genetic damages in few minutes.

Inhaling Cigarettes also increases immediate risk for lung cancer.

Stephen S. Hecht, the author of the research stated that the findings would serve as an alarm to those who are tempted to smoke cigarettes. Hecht works at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis in Masonic Cancer Center and department of pharmacology. His statement published in American Chemical Society’s new edition.

During research, cancer-causing factors were found in cigarette smoke that is known as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, or PAHs.

PAHs cause a permanent harm on DNA raising chances of lung cancer. More than 3,000 people die every day all over the world due to lung cancer. It is yet not confirmed in the research how PAH factor damages the DNA molecules.

The researchers based their observations by tracking a PAH in 12 smokers’ bodies. All of them were already habituated of smoking.

The objective behind this research was to see the impact of PAH on human metabolism with an assumption that the PAH have been inhaled only by smoking and not by any other means, air pollution or consumption of any food item. The research showed that the particular PAH under observation—phenanthrene converted into toxin very fast and started affecting DNA within 15 to 30 minutes in an adverse manner.

Republicans plan to repeal Obama’s Healthcare law, block funds

With the new session of US Congress beginning, the opposition is all set to block ways for Obama. Be it his greatest achievement so far—the healthcare legislation or funding, majority achieved after November midterm polls gives Republicans halt any step of the government, revealed the incoming budget committee chief, Paul D. Ryan.

The Democrats however have warned the incoming speaker ij their letter that blocking the legislation’s funding will be harmful for the consumers and may ultimately impact the international market adversely.

Thus, the first step of the Republicans after enter House in majority will be to revoke a law rather than doing any constructive work or proposing something for the welfare of people what they always claim as their top priority. The republicans will propose a different bill that contrasts Obama’s health care law and does not involve that much expenditure.

Republicans will soon go for voting on repealing the law on coming Wednesday but there is divided consensus among Republicans themselves over the success of their own bill which they would propose for revoking the existing law. Republicans hope to have an edge over the Democrats after winning midterm polls by gaining 63 seats and they could easily pressurize Obama to cut spending on the healthcare law.

Artificial Pancreas for Type 1 Diabetes

ORLANDO — Researchers will soon offer an “artificial pancreas” to type 1 diabetic patients that will help better control the swings of blood glucose that come with the type 1 diabetes.
Scientists developing the artificial pancreas for diabetic patients announced at this weekend’s 70th Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association that the latest experiments of the equipment show it can be used in real-life situations with success.

Artificial Pancreas Technology:
There are three main components for an artificial pancreas.

  1. An uninterrupted glucose monitor that measures blood glucose levels and the direction they are trending through the day. With this monitor that is connected to the boy you don’t have to prick the finger and use test strips to get a blood sugar reading.
  2. An insulin pump also connected to the body, that doses insulin continuously at a low level and can be adjusted.
  3. A high-tech software that can synchronize the above devices to ensure the smooth working of artificial pancreas automatically.

Scientists have already achieved the first two steps and is working on the software which should be ready soon should turn the artificial pancreas for diabetic patients into a reality and bring relief to lot of type 1 diabetic patients.

Kellogg’s Cereal Recall

On June 25, Kellogg recalled some of it’s most popular cereals beacuase of odd smell and flavor. According to a statement issued by Kellogg’s the company decided to voluntarily recall of select packages of Kellogg’s® Froot Loops®, Corn Pops®, Apple Jacks® and Honey Smacks® cereals. According to the official statement consumers are advised not to eat the recalled products because they do not meet quality standards.

kellogs Cereal Recall
The 28 million boxes of Kellogg’s Cereal recall was big news yesterday. The cereal recall was issued in consultation with the FDA.

Cereals Recalled by Kellogs
On their website Kellog’s said that only products with the letters “KN” following the Better If Used Before Date are included in the cereal recall. Following are the products recalled by Kellogs.

  1. Kellogg’s® Froot Loops®
    UPC 3800039118
    12.2 ounce packages with Better if Used Before Dates between MAR 26 2011 and JUN 22 2011

    UPC 3800039120
    17 ounce packages with Better if Used Before Dates between MAR 26 2011 and JUN 22 2011

    UPC 3800039125
    8.7 ounce packages with Better if Used Before Dates between MAR 26 2011 and JUN 22 2011

  2. Kellogg’s® Apple Jacks®
    UPC 3800039136
    17 ounce package with Better if Used Before Dates between APR 10 2011 and JUN 22 2011

    UPC 3800039132 3
    8.7 ounce packages with Better if Used Before Dates between JUN 03 2011 and JUN 22 2011

  3. Kellogg’s®Honey Smacks®
    UPC 3800039103
    15.3 ounce packages with Better if Used Before Dates between MAR 26 2011 and JUN 22 2011
  4. Kellogg’s® Corn Pops®
    UPC 3800039109
    12.5 ounce packages with Better if Used Before Dates between MAR 26 2011 and JUN 22 2011

    UPC 3800039111
    17.2 ounce packages with Better if Used Before Dates between MAR 26 2011 and JUN 22 2011

    UPC 3800039116
    9.2 ounce packages with Better if Used Before Dates between APR 05 2011 and JUN 22 2011

I found a Kellog’s recalled product, What should I do?
Please contact the Kellogg Consumer Response Center at 888-801-4163

Female Viagra Drug

Female ViagraFemale Viagra, Does it Work?
The Food and Drug Administration completed their test of the female viagra drug called flibanserin. The FDA posted the clinical trial results of the female viagra on its website today. According to FDA there is a slight increase in sexual desire for women who used the Flibanserin female Viagra though response rate isn’t “particularly compelling”. On Friday the FDA will have a meeting, when a panel of experts will vote whether or not to recommend approval of this female Viagra drug.
Approximately 1 in 10 women suffer from low sex drive. Many were expecting the flibanserin or the Viagra for woman to boost their sex drive though flibanserin is believed to have minor side effects.